Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

Deputation Request Form


In order to address Council, the form below must be completed and submitted in accordance with the following deadlines:

  1. If your matter is not on the agenda, the deadline to submit is no later than 4:30 p.m. on the Monday of the week prior to the meeting, or
  2. If your matter is on the agenda, the deadline to submit is no later than 12:00 noon on the Friday prior to the meeting. 

Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, jpg, jpeg, png

By checking this box, I confirm that:

Acknowledgment of Deputant's Obligations

I understand and acknowledge that:

  • Except where there is a statutory right to be heard, Council is the governing body and all deputants are heard only upon the consent of Council.
  • All deputants address the Chair and are required to state their name and whom they represent into the microphone.
  • Unless otherwise permitted by a majority vote, deputants are limited to five (5) minutes for speaking, or such other period of time that may be approved by Council at the meeting.
  • No deputant shall:
    1. speak disrespectfully of any person;
    2. use offensive words or unparliamentary language;
    3. speak on any subject other than the subject for which they have received approval to speak; or
    4. disobey the rules of procedure or a decision of the Chair or Council.
  • The Chair may limit any deputation, any questions of a deputant or debate during a deputation, and, if the Chair rules that the deputation is concluded, the person or persons appearing are required to leave the podium.
By checking this box, I confirm that:
I will be attending the meeting:

Deputation Requirement Checklist

To ensure that your deputation request form is completed correctly, please make sure to complete the checklist below and check each item.

I have enclosed the following

Personal information contained on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and will be used for the purpose of sending correspondence relating to matters before Council and creating a record that is available to the general public in a hard copy format and on the internet in an electronic format. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Municipal Clerk, Town of East Gwillimbury, 19000 Leslie Street, Sharon, ON L0G 1V0; telephone (905) 478-4282 or via email.